so much to say

I'm tired of following my dreams. I'm just gonna ask 'em where they are going and hook up with 'em later.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

reviews can tell Ebert and Roper (are those the right fellas?) they are out of a job, cuz here I come with my opinions. Although they aren't too current. I really don't get out much, so I have to rely on Pay-per-view and Blockbuster for evening entertainment. I have found that it makes my evenings go by faster when my hubby goes outta town if I watch a movie...and I've actually made it all the way though quite a few without passing out. So here are some of my thoughts on what I've seen the past few months.
Brokeback Mountain: Well, what can I say about this? It was a great leap in advancement for the movie industry and the gay community. But was it really all it was cracked up to be? Great acting...not a bad story--I did end up crying. Let me tell you what had me the whole freaking movie though was the freaking music. Did this score any awards?? Hello, academy!!!! There was a song they kept reprising the whole movie that was just moving. I give this flick 3 outta 4 stars.
King Kong: Man...compared to the old school one I watched with my dad oh so many years ago, the special effects kicked ass. But I still didn't think it was anything special. I seriously slept the whole way through the first hour? half hour? whatever. My hubby said I missed some disturbing shit, but I really didn't care. I woke up and watched from the time the big monkey snatched the pretty lady up and took her away to be his companion. I'm still confused and upset about the dinosaurs...and the nasty mutant bugs and crap...but who cares. I had the heeby jeebies all night over that. Putting all that aside, I LOVE Jack Black, and I thought he was fantastic...and so was Naomi Watts. And who the hell still thinks Adrian Brody is good looking? Ech! Wasn't he anorexic or something? 2 outta 4 stars for this one. I'm not so into action films though.
Chronicles of Narnia: Bravo!!!!! We screened this one before we put it on for our 4 year old, and let me tell you I am glad we did. First off because it was a GREAT movie, and second because it would have had her sleeping in our bed for a month. (She is a chicken shit) I LOVED this movie. The kids were soooooo cute, and amazingly talented actors, the special effects, and costumes/makeup--awesome! I loved the book series when I was a kid, and I felt like I was 8 years old again reading the book "The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe". It was so real, and probably one of the only movies I've seen that came as close to the book as it was written. I will be waiting for the sequels!!! 5 outta 4 stars!!
Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang: People think I'm nuts, but Robert Downy Jr. is one of my favorites. So naturally, I had to check out this flick. PLUS Val Kilmer playing a gay guy...who couldn't resist? I thought this movie was so entertaining. It was a murder/mystery/comedy and it played up to all the genres well. Narrated by Robert Downey's character, which is where the humor was placed into the story, and Val Kilmer is a private investigator kinda guy (who just has the greatest sense of humor about his sexual orientation), they try to solve a murder/set up...and if I go on to explain it, I will just make it confusing. I suggest checking it out, though! 4 outta 4 stars.
The Ringer: Okay. This movie is just WRONG!!! LOL! But it made me laugh. Johnny Knoxville is hard up for cash, as is his uncle. They concoct a plan to enter Johnny's character into the special Olympics to score the moula. Well, the other olympians catch on, but keep his secret so that he can win against a 3 or 4 or 6 time champion. The special olympians are funnier than Johnny Knoxville... Best line of the movie "I didn't get any fucking ice cream!!!! Did you get icecream? It is just so freaking reminds me of the South Park when Cartman tries to fix the special Olympics. 3 outta 4 stars just cuz that is SOOOO wrong!!!!!
Fun With Dick and Jane: Well...I never saw the original, but I don't think anyone can beat Jim Carey's acting. He is just good. And I love their kid...they have an immigrant housekeeper/nanny, and the kid speaks freaking spanish more than english!!! HA!!! So it was a good movie, and I laughed, and it was entertaining...but I really can't say it was any different than all the other run of the mill comedy flicks. 2 outta 4 stars cuz Jim Carey made the movie.
The Notebook: Man...I watched this a while ago with my mom and mother-in-law and thought it was a really good movie. Then I watched it the other day and just sobbed. What the hell???? What made it more sad the 2nd time around?? What a freaking story. Typical 1920's daughter of a rich man falls for a charming boy that comes from nothing, she is forbidden to see him, they break up, he writes to her every day and her mom hides the letters....years later they reunite but the bitch has a rich fiance and she has to decide between the 2. The kicker is that the whole story is being narrated by some old guy reading a hand written book to some old chick with really bad dimensia or althiemers or whatever. Stop reading here if you never saw this movie and you don't like spoilers!!! The old man is the boy with nothing and the old chick is the daughter of a rich man...and they were married and yadda yadda yadda, and when she got really sick, he moved into the home with her. He reads this damn book (that she wrote as "The Story of Us") to her every day hoping she will remember that he is her husband. I thought to myself "does this just happen in the movies, or are there really men out there like that?" and all I could think is that my man would be crazy enough in love to do that too. It makes me overclempt.... (tawk amongst yourselves... he he) 3 outta 4 stars cuz I'm just not that into sappy movies.


Blogger Blondie said...

Great post! I love movies but don't get to see them too often. The only one I have seen that you mentioned was the Dick and Jane thing. I thought it sucked big donkey... well you get the idea.

I can add a few reccommendations of my own. We just saw Superman last week and it was AWESOME! So close to old school with a few great twists on it. Kevin SPacey plays Lex Luther and he was downright EEEvil.

I saw The Family Stone on PPV and really liked it. Although I called the ending before the flick was halfway in, it was hilarious. Some moments are so uncomfortably embarrassing that you just cringe.

I just saw the 40 yr. old virgin on HBO and I thought it was prety funny. I'm not big on Steve Carell (even though I love 'The office') so I wasn't expecting much but it had some good moments.

Anywhoo, I've taken up enough of your blogspace, hope you find a babysitter for Saturday and we can catch up!

July 12, 2006  
Blogger JRo said...

yeah...the 40 year old virgin was alright...again, i wouldn't classify as one of the better comedies i've seen. i can't get enough of "the anchorman". thats some good stuff.
i'd love to check out superman, but if i'm gonna go see a theater flick, i'll have to see pirates of the carribean first...johnny depp makes dirty pirate look good.

July 13, 2006  

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