so much to say

I'm tired of following my dreams. I'm just gonna ask 'em where they are going and hook up with 'em later.

Thursday, May 18, 2006

birthday wishes

In case you didn't know it, my birthday is 12 days away. And at this point in my life, I don't have an answer for people who ask me what I want for a gift. Funny. As kids we had lists 12 feet long months before our birthday was even close enough for mentioning. And there was no guilt involved. But now, I feel like a jerk asking for things that I want, considering I can't really think of anything in the $10 range that I really would love to have. That's where the guilt comes into my wishing. There are gifts in that range that I won't say no to, or be disappointed to receive, but its nothing I would put on a list of things I really want. My wishlist warped itself from toys, games and fingerpaints to home improvements and gas cards. When did I get so boring?? So I have made up my mind to tap into my inner 6 year old (maybe my inner 16 year old) and make up a solid wish list, even though I know some of it will be way out of my gift givers' budgets. This is just for fun...reversing the boring....taking a stand against lounge pants and scented candles.

1. A big, fattening, chocolatey fudge cake
2. A black Volkswagen Passat with tan leather interior and a sunroof.
3. A (or two, or more) bottle of Grey Goose Vodka
4. A plasma flatscreen TV (and a new DVD player to go with it!!)
5. An I-Pod or MP3 player
6. A closet full of one of everything from The Limited
7. Jewelry. Necklaces and bracelets would be good.
8. A vacation. Somewhere tropical.
9. A puppy. A border collie please.
10. Shoes. Sneakers for running, sneakers for fashion, strappy shoes with a small heel, flip flops...I want 'em all...
11. A kick ass party with all my friends
12. Donuts for breakfast. The jelly filled kind with icing on top that no one carries anymore.
13. A hot tub (and a new deck to go with it)
14. A slip and slide. Those things kicked ass.
15. Cold hard cash for fun shopping!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

What happened to the $300,000 house you showed me last night? I don't see it on the list.

May 19, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey! I'm not anonymous...I'm silvrtop53!

May 19, 2006  
Blogger JRo said...

easy there killer....

a $300,000 house isn't tapping into the inner child in me...unless its filled with candy and squitguns. i avoided things like a new house, wanting tile flooring in half my existing house, reducing my debt, new slippers, cook books...blah blah blah...thats not very 6 or even 16 year oldish.

May 19, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I vote for #1 if you're sharing :-), Regarding #12 check @ Quality Markets

May 19, 2006  
Blogger JRo said...

If you plan on getting me #1 for my birthday, of course I'll share. If not, you must make yourself known, cuz I don't share chocolate cake with just anyone. ;P

May 19, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

fair enough

May 20, 2006  
Blogger Blondie said...

I don't know if I will talk to you before I leave, so have a wonderful birthday! If I hit the lottery, and I mean hit it really big, I will be sure to buy you that fudgy caken :P since I can't bake

May 22, 2006  
Blogger JRo said...

thanks're a real pal. :)
have fun in sunny cally-for-nee-aaaahh!!!

May 27, 2006  

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