so much to say

I'm tired of following my dreams. I'm just gonna ask 'em where they are going and hook up with 'em later.

Monday, April 24, 2006

diary of a madwoman

Surprisingly success has found its way into my dieting madness. I survived my first 2 weeks on the painful "phase one" of my South Beach Diet. And I can honestly brag that I only cheated 2 days out of the 14; one being on Easter when, yes, I did indulge in a few M&M's and some banana bread, and the other last Saturday night by the fire pit I had a can of pop and a Take 5 (my freaking weakness for sure). But, I still think I came out on top making it half way to my 20 pound goal...and then some. I am officially down 11 pounds, and I am now seeing a difference in how my clothes fit, and my arms don't jiggle when I wave to people anymore. I still haven't attempted to put the boots I had a falling out with back in November...I'll save that victory for next fall. Cankles or not, I get along with flip flops much better.
So what in the hell did it take to lose 11 pounds in 2 weeks you ask? Here is just a sample of what I ate:
Breakfast- Atkins shake (tastes a lot like Slim Fast...not too bad. Only 2 grams of carbs too!) or a few scrambled eggs and turkey bacon.
Lunch- Fat free cottage cheese (quarter cup or so) and lunch meat roll ups--reduced fat cheese and low fat lunch meat rolled up...mmmmmm ;) Sometimes I would eat a salad instead.
Snack- A handful of peanuts, or a fat free fudgsicle.
Dinner- Chicken breast or low fat steak with green beans and a salad.
Drinks...only water or Wylers/Crystal Lite.
So now I am reintroducing carbs back into my life. Parting was such sweet sorrow. Its sooooo good to have them back. I can eat whole wheat breads, bagels, noodles etc., and I can have fruit too. It makes snacking a lot easier this way. So hopefully I will be down my next 9 pounds within a few more weeks.


Blogger Blondie said...

Congrats! That's great to hear a success story for once! Speaking of carbs, (or crabs if you will) I bought these rolls at Wegman's that are EXCELLENT. Multi grain little footballs that I use for lunch sandwiches. Little flecks of grains on them, it may keep me away from the triscuits for a while. Can you have milk on this South Beach thing? I would die if I had to give it up

April 24, 2006  
Blogger JRo said...

oh, yeah...that too. i went thru serious withdrawl on that one. i had to give up milk for 2 whole weeks and it was hell. thankfully the shit i ate didn't make me crave know, like chocolate and peanutbutter and jelly samiches and stuff like that does. once you are done with the 1st phase, you can go back to it, but you have to drink skim (which to me is just like cloudy water) or 1% which thankfully i can adjust to in time.

April 24, 2006  
Blogger Blondie said...

i do the skim thing with lots of ice, i esp. like it when it melts just a bit. cloudy water is a good analogy

April 25, 2006  

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