so much to say

I'm tired of following my dreams. I'm just gonna ask 'em where they are going and hook up with 'em later.

Thursday, April 13, 2006

where the hell is animal control?

So last night I am trying to sit and have a nice uneventful evening that did not require pill popping of any sort. My adult company has been minimal, and not fond of the idea of pulling an all night-er with me, although they have been generous in other areas. (Thank you again) I watched LOST last night with the hopes that something good was going to happen, and NADA. Oh well. My kids were in bed and well past the point where they should have been up and crying or talking to themselves or whatever they do to stay awake as late as they possibly can. But I kept hearing whining and crying. I was in my basement picking up the disaster that happened to it throughout the day, and I could swear I heard it again. It was too cold for any neighbors to have their windows open, and mine were shut as well. So I checked the baby monitor to make sure it was functioning up to par. Mmmm Hmmm. That wasn't it. So I went back to cleaning thinking I was just imagining it, being so occupied by my mess. Low and behold...there it freaking went AGAIN. So I went up to Benny's room to make sure he was in bed and not like somehow lying in my driveway or front yard crying. All good there. Then I remembered a story--probably just a hoax or something, but one can never be too careful I guess. There was some psycho apparently going around with a recording of a baby crying and he would put it outside a woman's door (knowing she would choose her motherly instincts over logic), and she would open the door to find the baby, and that's where the psycho would do his psycho things to the overly caring lady. So I turned the TV back on the drown out the noise. Well, later I was on the phone with my husband and the noise came back, but way WAY to loud to ignore this time. My heart was beating out of my chest like one of those old cartoons. I checked on my kids again. Then, with Bob on the phone, I bravely opened my back door to see if I could pin point where these cries were coming from. driveway. But thankfully at that point, my senses came back to me and I realized it was my freaking weirdo neighbor's stray cat collection having an orgy outside my kitchen window. Lovely. Music to my bloody ears. These are the same cats that made opening up our front windows a few summers ago an agonizing event. The damn furballs thought it would be cute to mark our porch as their territory, and of course ruin any fresh air in that surrounding area. The neighbor bitch just takes it upon herself to feed any and every cat that strolls though our area, and then they stay and multiply. I can hear her at like 7 in the morning all summer bellowing to these mangy felines to come "home" and eat. One of our neighbors even went to the extent of fencing off their entire front yard to keep the little bastards away. I applaud them. Instead, I just continue to chase them out of my yard, off my porch, and out of my garage. That cat lady should be charged with something. Something like public nuisance, or possession of catnip with the intent to deliver... Something MUST be done, dammit.


Blogger Blondie said...

Intent to deliver! LOL.. that cat picture looks really familiar, like a lost relative or something?

April 22, 2006  

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