so much to say

I'm tired of following my dreams. I'm just gonna ask 'em where they are going and hook up with 'em later.

Monday, March 27, 2006

may the whacking begin...

For those of you with your minds in the gutter, CLEAN IT UP! (No names mentioned, but you know who you are...)

SO, I just have to say, the Sopranos are totally kicking ass so far this season. I am seriously impressed with the sustenance of this new season. Although I am grotesquely nostalgic for murder, theft, money laundering, and coke sniffing action, I can make do without it for the boss's "me time" in his coma. The story line for his subliminal "dreams" has me trapped. For those of you who don't watch...well, you're missing out. The writers found an amazing way to get inside Tony's head and tell a story from his subconcious. But who is the real Kevin Finnerty? And whats with the monks? And a sweet young Meadow calling him away from his "family reunion". (sniffle, tear)

And Grey's Anatomy-freaking rerun. BUT, last week was something to talk about. THANK GOD for Alex beating up George's psyche. SOMEONE had to do that. And George and Burke being buddies? Didn't see that one coming. HA! And Christine babysitting...didn't see that one coming either! LOL! I can't wait to see what happens with Izzie and Denny... or maybe what happens with Alex and Denny...???

Which leads me finally to LOST. Yeah. A diary on the lost website ( ) states that man being held captive is someone's brother. I can't figure out what gene pool his freaky ass washed out of though. My theory which is apparently wrong: Psycho man is TOTALLY one of the "others". I say its an ambush with his balloon...cuz he wasn't originally one of the "others". My theory is that he is telling the truth about his balloon, and the wife. BUT there is something about the kids, and people who get sick on that island that draws "the others" to them. SO I think his wife got sick and "the others" found them and brainwashed them. Now he is ambushing Ana the retard and the asses dumb enough to follow her into the jungle. Ana Lucia is just a bull headed stupid ass and can go get herself killed for all I care. And howcome that heroin addict, Charlie hasn't had the shakes or a fever or any kind of withdrawl? Hmmmmm... On a happier note, Sun was totally gettin a little sumthin'-sumthin' from that mystery man in his hotel room. "OOOOO me so love you looong time"....those amourous phrases just don't sound right in Korean. What, did you think her sterile mobster hubby really did fertilize her miraculously?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i don't like the izzy denny story line... just keep it in the interns!!! I really do think they need SOMETHING with meredith and Mcdreamy to happen soon..anything.. a little smooch??

March 28, 2006  
Blogger JRo said...

i love the denny/izzie relationship. kinda romantic that they shouldn't be involved, but they are so attracted to each other in a non-physical intimate way. and it serves alex right for being such a jerk to her for so long--what goes around comes around. and as far as meridith and mcdreamy...hmmmmm...i think he was a smidge jealous when she told him about her regretful roll in the hay with georgey boy. if you go to the website, read the writer's blog (i think its called grey matter). its really good. and the one chick said about that episode that in this series we will learn that what goes around, comes around. what that means regarding the meridith and mcdreamy scenario, i haven't figured out yet...but i'll be waiting!!
ok--it won't let me post the tag--just type this in...blondie turned me onto it!

March 28, 2006  
Blogger Blondie said...

How can you not like Izzie with Denny! AHHHH, i love that guy. and i also love mcsteamy, i hear he's coming back [drool]

March 30, 2006  

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