so much to say

I'm tired of following my dreams. I'm just gonna ask 'em where they are going and hook up with 'em later.

Friday, March 10, 2006

when the cat's away, the mouse needs ativan

So, the traveling salesman has flown the coop again. And I am left in dismay. And to make his absence even more daunting, last night had to ruin any happy thoughts that may have existed in regards to my capability of coping alone. I do not function well without someone else habitating my home with me, hence the ativan. Although I have my kids with me, I just can't find means of taking comfort knowing that a drooling giggle machine and a pre-menstrual 3 year old have my back. My mind has a tendency to wander, so I refuse to lay in bed analyzing every noise and plotting plans of action for every scenerio my warped imagination concocts. Which leads me back to where I was going with this story about 3 sentences ago. Last night. So Bob gets home around 10 or something and we try to have some quality time together talking on the couch, when FWAM!!! (like my batman sound effect?) Something hit our house--or so it seemed--with quite a bit of force. Bob flew into action, because growing up in the ghetto prepares you for action. Instead of just saying "hmmm...wonder what that was.....probably just the wind."and going about your business. Me? I freeze. But, I sucked it up and went to check on my sleeping kidos, who were still sleeping and fine. But I wasn't. I am the kind of person that needs resolution. I can't just accept that there was no one outside trying to break in, or that a moose didn't just charge our home, or that roof shrapnel from my deteriorating garage didn't blow into my house at 60 miles an hour... no evidence of anything ever happening. THAT is what's scary to me. SO THEN, we get sidetracked looking for my wedding rings (another time for that story) and I forgot about it. BUT that couldn't be the end of it. So, its 4 am or something...I was still half asleep and close to heart failure, and Maddy makes her way into our room at the same time Bob is springing out of bed ready for more ghetto action. Yet again...another freaking FWAK, or POOMB or whatever it was cuz I didn't hear it. So Maddy and I huddle together in my bed while Bob goes to find the root of evil again. He comes back...and nothing. Again. "Probably just the wind". 60 miles an hour or not...wind does not "FWAK" structurely sound bulidings like my house. A blunt object HAD to be the culprit wearing away my sanity. So, my sweet husband says he thinks it was just our neighbor's broken storm door. I'm sure it wasn't, but oddly, that helped me sleep a little better.
So here I more wind. Haven't heard any noises yet. But I have 3 sets of neighbors on standby for my phone call if I lose it. And things will be better tomorrow night when I have someone here to tell me lies to ease my troubled mind.
At least my power didn't go out, right Scott? :)


Blogger Blondie said...

dude, you've had atavan all along and I didn't even know? cold sister, cold.

March 12, 2006  
Blogger JRo said...

hey, gotta look out for number one first, man. quantites are limited. :)

March 14, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My name is Craig Hannah and i would like to show you my personal experience with Ativan.

I have taken for 6 years. I am 37 years old. GREAT FOR INSOMNIA......Great for Manic stages of Bi-Polar..It's really is the only drug I can take without any side effects..I cannot even take asprin without feeling it..I have OCD and have severe sensitivity to meds, this one is great.

Side Effects :
None.....Miracle drug...onset of 20/30 minutes, peak of 1 to 3 will erase your memory if u take it in large doses...made that mistake once..Been on and off of it since 2001. I don't get addictive to it. I only take .05 2 x a day for controlling High Blood Pressure, Anxiety and IBS..I sometimes can get away with breaking the 0.5mg down into 4 equal doses.

I hope this information will be useful to others,
Craig Hannah

September 30, 2008  

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