so much to say

I'm tired of following my dreams. I'm just gonna ask 'em where they are going and hook up with 'em later.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

people on my shitlist

1. mother nature. see below.
2. the keebler elves. damn you and your delicious cookies marketed for 4 year olds and devoured by thier parents.
3. randy jackson. burn that ensemble that you wore last night.
4. the people at sams club who decide what they stock. because of you bastards I am now going to have to choose new products or pay full price for half the items i USED to buy at your establishment.
5. the easter bunny. delivering chocolates and sugary shit to my only satisfaction is the fact my chocolate is shaped like you when i eat it.
6. you damn vacationers. ok--so i'm just bitter.
7. the genius who instituted daylight savings. my inner clock is still all retarded.
8. sirius radio customer service. i WILL get my rebate, mark my words Jamie.


Blogger Blondie said...

Bitter! It is kinda funny that the weather starts to clear as I prepare to go on vacation. Watch, it will rain in Orlando the entire time.

April 08, 2006  
Blogger Blondie said...

I also had issues getting my SIrius rebate when I first purchased the unit. It took FOREVER, like 5 months. I kept calling though

April 08, 2006  

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