so much to say

I'm tired of following my dreams. I'm just gonna ask 'em where they are going and hook up with 'em later.

Thursday, April 13, 2006

i'm on a roll....

Mmmmmm.....a roll ...drool.... Yes people, the diet is going suprisingly well. I have lost 7 pounds (in 4 days...thats healthy alright!!) and I honestly don't know where its coming from. My clothes don't fit any different...I don't look any different. This just goes to prove to the people wrong who said I would be too skinny if I lost 20 pounds. Not so true. I've lost 7, and not even a pant size. I am almost half way to my goal. As for my husband...well, that cheating jerk. (not the kind of cheating that requires castration, though.) He has buckled under stress. He is out of town and working LONG LONG hours .....RIIIIIGHT ;) he he. Anywho, he is working hard to bring home the bacon so I can eat it. Mmmmmmmm... ...bacon.... (as long as its lowfat I can have it on this diet though!!!) I don't know where my willpower has come from, but I have it. I hope it doesn't leave me when I cheat on Easter. Seriously guys, its a sin not to eat a chocolate egg, bunny or cross on the day the Lord rose from the dead... right?


Blogger Blondie said...

So you're saying that jesus was nailed to the cross so we could enjoy cadbury eggs on easter? i like that theory...

April 22, 2006  
Blogger JRo said...

uh...its all in celebration of salvation...yeah... i like to ask myself: "what WOULD jesus do?" and i think "he would eat a chocolate bunny, and maybe some easter colored peanut M&M's to celebrate."

April 24, 2006  

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