so much to say

I'm tired of following my dreams. I'm just gonna ask 'em where they are going and hook up with 'em later.

Thursday, April 27, 2006

the epitome of cuteness

So it may just be that I am biased because they are my own flesh and blood, but you can't tell me these pictures don't score some points.
God bless Megan at The Picture People. She totally rocks and my kids LOVE her. Its shows in the pictures.

Here are a few more points the little tikes scored:
--My mother in law's fiance passed away a few years ago, and Madelyn talks about Papa Harry being in Heaven quite a bit, and prays to him constantly. Just recently, my husband lost his dog to cancer. We explained to Madelyn that Lexie is in Heaven with Papa Harry now. About a week after the dog passed, Madelyn was eating her lunch and she stopped and said to me "I hope Lexie found Papa Harry in Heaven so they can hug each other." Yeah, I cried too.
--Here is a good holiday story for ya. Some of you know how this one goes. It is not an easy task to teach a 3 year old the value of a dollar...hell the value of a freaking quarter at that. So when she wants everything she sees at the store, she continually gets the same daunting reply "We don't have enough money for that right now..." or something along those lines. So come Christmas time, we are walking into the mall and there is a Salvation Army volunteer outside dinging that same tired old bell. Madelyn asked me what the man was ringing his bell for, and I replied "He is trying to raise money to give to people who don't have much". To which she responds "Are you going to give him money??" to which I blurt "I don't have any money to give him." So then she says "Does he give us the bucket of money?"
Then there is Benny who doesn't have any cute little blunders or rantings to talk about. But his personality is just as big as Madelyn's...packed into all those little rolls in his legs and arms. He waves "buh bye" at everything he can, shakes his head no for 10 minutes at a time, babbles and then laughs at whatever gibberish he just made up, and is ridiculously ungraceful.

And I have front row seats to the best show in the world.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh yeah...these pics definitely scored points in my big ol' heart, but then I may be too close also to form an unbiased opinion. Aren't they just adorable? :o)

April 27, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Damn those kids are beautiful!!!!!!!!

Whos that? BROWN!!!!

May 12, 2006  
Blogger JRo said...

ha ha brown...yes.

May 16, 2006  

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